Sunday, January 29, 2012

Beautiful Sunday- Music

As many of you may know, it is really hard to find anything positive from the DRC. The internet is filled with pictures of child soldiers, airplane crashes and poverty. However, I am a firm believer that there is positive in everyone, and everything (sometimes you just have to look deep to find it).

Today's beautful Sunday is dedicated to the music of the DRC. It is rumored to be some of the best in the world. After searching on Youtube, I can't really deny it is catchy. Here is a small sampling:

Of course I chose this song because it is about the place, Mbuji Mayi, where my girls are living now.

The singer had beautiful words to say about music. She says:
"We, people of Kasai dance to express our joy of living and fighting stress. We do it with wit and ingenuity. Enjoy our musics - it is not your fault , you are just a spectator. Nothing wrong with that ."

My next project is to fill my ipod with some of this great, spirited music (and maybe try to translate some lyrics so I really know what they are singing about!).

I hope my girls never forget to dance, never forget to express their joy in life and never forget music, wherever it is from, is amazing in any langauge. Enjoy!